Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vina del Mar and Valparaiso

Various places in the middle of Chile.
Dramatic contrasts of extreme beauty. Soo so much to see, but this string bean country is as long as almost all of South America so it takes some time and careful planning to see it all. Not only are the travelling distances exaggerated, but the climate and seasonal differences are vast. But I wanna see it all, from Machu Picchu, Patagonia, Buenos Aires, Rapa Nui...I'm not sure it's possible in my time of stay, one must remember I'm still in school..scrambeling to fit as much spanish in this brain as possible. Chileans speak so much slang and so fast, I'm not sure this is the greatest place to learn the language..but I couldn't pass up all its diversity. But we gooo
Girls day in Valpo. We wondered and got lost in the hills...Sometimes the best way to explore. In front of Museo de Bellos Artes. Shucks, it was closed for construction, but the building is beautiful isn't it...
But we did stumble into the Dia Nacional Fotografia..I must say,Modern Chilean photography, um a bit gothic, disturbing, hmm..much to the imagination. Yup, being tourists..I got to be the sax...the bestest one!!

Ruta de Valparaiso...
Mi familia Chilena..

Eduardo y Gionvanna

Parradillas. We rarely eat meat, but this typical Chilean meal consists of all kinds. So far the odd foods have been..intestine, blood, fish balls? some other fishy me gusto.

Mi hermanos....
Stepano, 11
Franco, 13

En route to Vina, I'm afraid these houses would not make it in the case of an earthquake..

Sand dunes in Renaca. Just north of Vina, an overbuilt town of suburbs, pleasant beaches and limited surf.

Viva la noche!
Escudo cerveza, vino y pisco>>

ladies.night...two pisco sours for the price of one!

Never walk alone at night! People will look at you funny

Beach and skim boarders of Vina..wet suits a must

Gran ferria in the middle of Valpo. todo naturales...dats right. thats all we eat in our casa!

Military building. Alot of 19th century European architecture, especially in Valpo. To my surprise, alot of German influence within the culture, wierd huh..

Pelicans!..what an odd bird. they like to cruise, perch, float in the ocean and use thier enoumous pouched bills to swoop up fish.

An enchanting port city.

Ascencores. Built in the 1880s, elevators that take you up from the flat city center to the back alleys of Valparaiso.

Stephano....overemphasiving his dress for school

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